
WoW Leveling Zones

What are Zones?

The simplest way to explain to you what a zone (synonym for: region or area) is, is to just say that it is a section of the map that has its own unique theme, type of enemy or mobs, and it's own scenery.
All of the different zones wow gold are surrounded by an invisible border, much like that of real world nations or countries, or states. Even though you can't actually see the boundaries, they are still there, and they mark off certain areas in the game. Usually, each different area has at least one of each of the following: sub zone, city, town, village, or instance.

For Example: the zone of Ghostlands has sub zone of Amani Pass, the city of Tranquillien, the town Hatchet Hills, the village Suncrown Village, and the instance Zul'Aman.
When it comes to WoW leveling zones, the "leveling" part just means that you would be referring to any zone or area that you are currently completing quests in. The zone you are currently questing in, is directly related to what level your character is at.

How to Use Zones Effectively

In order to get the most out of the specific zone you are in based on the level of your character, you need to do a little bit of research. Find out what the best quests to complete are based on experience vs. time taken to complete (take into consideration travel time as well).
There are several places in which you can find this information. One place I would definitely look is the different forums around the web having to do with WoW leveling zones. Forums are a great collection of knowledge, especially World of Warcraft forums! The players of this game are so passionate about it, and it really shows in the many popular forums - where you will see elite players helping newbies all the time.
If you want the easy way about maximizing your leveling zones and getting the most value vs. time on your questing ventures, then it might be time for you to look into using an in-game guide.

Why Use an "In-Game" Guide?

For just that reason, it's "in-game." A guide like this will cover all of the quickest leveling paths, for every level, including the 80-85 Cataclysm zones (also includes in-game talent build advisor). All happening without having to alt+tab to pull it up.

Article Source: http://lichkingzhaok.webs.com/apps/blog/show/7739214-wow-warlock-leveling-guide-the-fastest-ways-to-level-your-lock

