
World of Raid, Warcraft

One of the toughest things to do in World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Cataclysm, is completing heroic instances and raids. Well not so much heroics anymore, but it is still challenging. First becoming accessible after you reach item level 329, heroics allow you to gain better gear to be able to move on to the next level: Raids. Completion of raids requires you to have the appropriate gear, usually be equipped with rare or epic items, a team of competent players who know how to play their roles and classes, and a lot of time to practice each and every possible strategy. So with that in mind, what do you need to do before you go on a raid run?

The Right Stuff
First item up for bids is gear. In spite of what Blizzard has previously said, gear is a very significant portion of raiding and running instances. But the exact definition of what is essential has changed particularly with the latest Cataclysm patches. So as with the release of Cataclysm, a great deal of the new stats that had been added over the last 5 years were either removed or simplified. Armor penetration, spell power, and the overly complicated mana system were altered or deleted to make it easier for newcomers to get into the game without complications.
So for starters, what do you need to have before you can run a heroic instance? You should begin by having a full set of blue gear. Usually you will get this gear by questing level 80 to 85, as well as by doing cata dungeons on regular. On the other hand, if a piece of gear you need is not found, you can find and pay for them in the AH, or ask in trade, to see if people have something for you to buy them from. Nonetheless, just make sure you have appropriate gear before you attempt a heroic instance, otherwise you'll just make a group have to carry you and create bad reputation for yourself.

The Right Guild
The next step in preparing for raids in WoW is to find a guild in which to make friends with players who'll spend time, commitment, and preparation together before going into these instances. Advertise yourself in trade if you know you have the gear and the minimal knowledge of what raids have in store for you. You'll most likely not find a high level guild right away, but if you find a good guild, become active with them, and eventually you'll be running raids with them and get the hang of knowing the fights. Soon, you may even be able to find a better guild that will help you combat some of the hardest bosses and newest instances in the game as they are released.
Raids are one of the most fun aspects of WoW, but they are nowhere close easy. It takes time, preparation, and a good team/guild before you will be ready enough to take on high-level end bosses, even on the first try. So just start working towards bettering yourself now so eventually you can enjoy all the great achievements that World of Warcraft has to offer and show to everyone, just what kind of player you really are.

Article Source: http://scott110.unblog.fr/

