
World of Warcraft Farming Tips - The Basics

So you have finally decided you need gold in order to enjoy World of Warcraft and have settled on farming to accomplish this task. Well let's look at a few tips regarding farming for gold in World of Warcraft.
Tip number 1:
The first key to farming anything in World of Warcraft is the bags. The gold is in the bags. Early on when you start playing your bags will be small, what this wow gold (http://www.cheapergold.co.uk/) means is your will have limited slots or space in the bags. This is due in part to the fact that you have no money, especially if this is your first toon. If you have a higher level toon, then they can send your new one money to buy bigger bags, or send bags themselves. The thing about bags is the more room you have the more you can hold. This is probably the single most important rule when performing World of Warcraft farming.
Think about it, if you are going through an instance or on a raid and you have no room, guess who isn't getting any loot?
Tip number 2:
Bring plenty of bandages/water/food/mana potions with you. When farming, you are going to be in a lot of fights. This will deplete your health and mana (if you can cast spells). You will need to rest up between those fights if you get down on health and mana. It is important to be prepared. How much is enough? That depends on your character, but generally a stack of each is a good rule of thumb. If you can heal, you won't need first aid and bandages, but in a pinch they can help. Mages can create food and water so be sure to make plenty before leaving.
Tip number 3:
If you are a hunter and bringing a pet, be sure to bring plenty of their required food. I can't tell you how many times my pet went hungry because I was ill prepared for him. This is vitally important because a well fed pet does better than one who is hungry. Also, you might find yourself somewhere where his food source isn't plentiful so having the extra food is a good idea.
Tip number 4:
Potions, buffs etc are great for farming so load up. If you can get some buffs that increase healing/regeneration of mana/strength etc then do it. Also, if your character has the ability to buff (almost all do in some fashion) then buff yourself up. Anything you can use to kill baddies faster and heal quicker will reduce your farm time.
Tip number 5:
Who to farm on? This is an important World of Warcraft farming question. It is best to farm on something 1-3 levels below you. This increases wow gold (http://www.cheapergold.co.uk/) your farm longevity time because you should be able to kill the beasties quicker than if you were farming on something of equal or higher level. Also, pick targets that are known to re-spawn quickly. An example is the Defias Trappers in the western part of Westfall.
I hope these World of Warcraft farming tips keep you farming happily and profitably.

Article Source: http://kylinblogger.blogspot.com/2011/07/world-of-warcraft-your-ogrila-daily.html


World of Warcraft - 10 Simple Steps to a Successful Raid Experience

World of Warcraft like most other MMO games is geared for the end game player. Not to say that casual players cannot enjoy their time in the game but as we have seen in the genre to get the best equipment it takes a raid.
These 10 simple steps will outline how to make your raid experience worthwhile and profitable for your character at the same time.
1.) Be on Time
Most guilds have a website where they post their raids in advance and many require sign ups. If you sign up then you are aware of the start time. If you wow gold (http://www.85wowgold.com/) cannot be there at the start time do not sign up. There is nothing more frustrating to a raid leader and raid than to have to wait for players to log on.
2.) Keep all Raid Communication in the Raid Channel
Use your raid channel to communicate what is going on. The raid leaders should use this channel to direct the actions of the raid. By keeping the raid channel clear everyone will be able to see or hear exactly what they are expected to do.
Alternatively you can use Ventrilo or Teams Speak for voice communication.
3.) Keep SPAM out of the Raid Channel
The text or voice channel should be kept clear of idle chatter, talking about your children, talking about your parents, etc. To effectively raid you must keep the lines of communication open. If everyone is typing or talking at once you will miss the directions given by your raid leader.
4.) No Direct Messages to the Raid Leader
Your raid leader has their hands full trying to orchestrate a dozen different things at the same time. Sending direct messages takes away from their ability to do so. If you have questions or comments send them to your group leader. The only ones directly communicating with the raid leader should be raid assistants and group leaders.
5.) Listen, Focus, Follow Instructions
We all know that World of Warcraft is a game, but to succeed in any situation, even a game you need to listen to directions, know your role in the situation, and focus your attention of the task at hand.
6.) Never Question an Order Given by the Raid Leader...Follow Blindly
Your raid leaders were chosen wow gold (http://www.85wowgold.com/) because they have demonstrated a working knowledge of the game, its zones, events, and procedures. A raid is not the place to debate how something should be done or express you dissatisfaction with how your raid leader handles situations. Save that for your message boards or speak with the leadership later.
7.) Your Guild is Your Priority
You chose to be in your guild and should therefore respect it. If a raid is about to start do not jump in a pick up group or hit an instance with your buddies. Be ready when you are supposed to be and support your guild.
8.) Know Your Role
You should know exactly what is expected of your class by the time that you reach raid level. Be open to creative criticism. You might be surprised at what you can lean from your guild mates.
9.) Understand Your Guild's Loot System
Every guild has a system of loot distribution. You need to make sure that you understand it. Regardless of system type most guilds have posted the loot rules. Make sure you have read them.
10.) Be Dependable
People depend on you in World of Warcraft just like they do in real life. If you sign up or commit to a raid ... Be there! We all have unexpected things happen in our real lives that demand our time and most guilds are understand that. Be considerate though. Chances are that your guild is depending on you to be where you say you will be. Do everything possible to be there. If a situation arises and you cannot attend let someone know, either on your guild's message boards or in game.
Use these 10 simple steps to make your World of Warcraft raiding experience a fun and enjoyable time.
Lee Ruleman is a 10 year veteran of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) beginning with Ultima Online and continuing on through the present. It is Lee's goal is to assist other players in attaining maximum level, the best equipment, large cash reserves, and advanced gaming knowledge, all in a 100% legal manner.

Article Source: http://warcraftnews123.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/a-world-of-warcraft-leveling-guide-for-that-extra-help-towards-the-end-game/


World of Warcraft Karazhan Guide, Part 2 - Moroes Walkthrough

If you're looking for a World of Warcraft Karazhan guide and walkthrough for Moroes, then you've found the best on the internet.

After killing Attumen the Huntsman, go back to the entrance of Karazhan where you will find a stairway. It is crucial for this battle that all DPS and tanks have threatmeters like Omen. The trash requires some AoE and Moroes requires shackles and buy wow gold (http://www.wowgold-use.com/) at least one interrupt, so I will go over the group composition.

Optimal Group Composition:

2 Tanks (crit immune)

3 Healers (2 priests needed between healers and DPS for shackles)

5 DPS (1-2 decent AoE mage/warlocks needed for trash)

The group should be geared decently in level 70 blues and maybe a few epics. That's all you really need up to this point.

Begin by pulling the trash in the room at the top of the steps. There are a few AoE packs here, they're easy packs of non-elites that shouldn't be too difficult unless you inadvertantly pull multiple groups. Also keep in mind that there are a few groups of elites here that do not need to be killed. I've pulled them accidentally thinking that they are AoE packs and wiped raids, don't be stupid like me. There are also a few single pull mobs in the room that can hit very hard, particularly the valets, so use caution and make sure to heal your tanks.

Once enough of the room is cleared to go into the room to the left, do so. This is the room where you can find Moroes, but there is still plenty of trash left to kill. There are a couple 2-pulls up against the wall on either side of the room, each of these guys hit like a truck and needs a tank. There are AoE packs at the dining tables that need to be AoE'd the same as you did with the earlier packs. There are also a few Skeletal Waiters meandering around. These guys use debuff on your tank called Brittle Bones that will cause their armor to decrease significantly. When a tank has this debuff on him, the other tank needs to tank whichever mobs the raid is on until the debuff wears off, as it can't be dispelled.

When the room is clear, you're left with Moroes and four adds. These adds are why you need the two priests for shackles. Both priests should ideally have a focus macro set up like this:

/clearfocus [modifier:shift] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noexists]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)

/cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead

With this, you just need to target your shackle and shackle it once, then the macro will automatically re-target and shackle whenever you click it. This way the priests don't need to constantly switch targets to keep their shackles up. You will need to kill 2 of the adds and shackle 2 of them. The 4 adds are random out of 6 different possibilities. The ones at the top of the list should be killed first, the ones at the bottom are the best to shackle:

Baroness Dorthea Millstipe (Shadow Priest)

Lady Catriona Von'Indi (Holy Priest)

Lady Keira Berrybuck (Holy Paladin)

Baron Rafe Dreuger (Retribution Paladin)

Lord Robin Daris (Arms Warrior)

Lord Crispin Ference (Protection Warrior)

The worst case situation would be to get the 2 warriors and the 2 paladins, though I have never had that happen. If you get either the holy priest or the holy paladin and aren't shackling them then you need to have a rogue on them in order to interrupt the heals (other classes with interrupts work as well).

Have your buy wow gold (http://www.wowgold-use.com/)  main tank go in and grab Moroes, then pull him to one side of the room. The mobs to be shackled should be shackled right away and kept shackled the entire. The offtank needs to tank whichever of the adds he is assigned to tank (whichever plate wearer that isn't being  shackled, or the second add that you are going to kill). He brings the add over to the main tank and must immediately start attacking Moroes get up to second in threat on the boss and remain there while still tanking his add. After you get the adds down, it's time to focus on Moroes.

Moroes uses a couple of rogue abilities. He vanishes every minute or so and Garrotes a random raid member. This is a strong bleed effect. It can be removed by paladin shields, stoneform and ice block, but that's it. You just need to heal through this bleed. Sometimes if a healer gets it on them it may be useful for them to intentionally die and get battle rezzed, or intentionally die with a soulstone on them, as death also gets rid of the effect. Moroes also uses both Blind and Gouge against the tanks. This is why you need 2 tanks on Moroes, as he will use Gouge on the main tank and then attack whoever is second on aggro. Very rarely, he will Blind the offtank and then Gouge the main tank, then run off wreaking havoc. That's just bad luck and you can't do much about it about it other than dispel the blind as quickly as possible.

Article Source: http://nnbbwo.livejournal.com/12667.html


The Simple Way To Unlocking More Gold In World of Warcraft - Read This Now

In order to get the most gold in World of Warcraft, you have to have the right technique. There are tons of different techniques out there, but you will need to find one and stick with it in order to maximize your gold. You don't wow gold (http://www.flywowgold.com/) want to end up like the many people that run around constantly trying to get gold but always failing. You want to make more than anybody else.

I'm about to share with you the best thing you can do to make more gold in Warcraft. It is a simple concept that holds true in real life. In fact, most gold-making methods in the game are just like real life methods. If you want to make more gold in Warcraft, you will need to buy low and sell high. You have heard that before. Most likely you have heard that you should buy stocks or houses at a low price, then resell at a much higher price for profit. It holds true in Warcraft as well.

In order to utilize this method, you will need to watch the auction house. See what other people are spending big money on. Once you have found a hot item, you will need to source it cheaply. If you can find the item for a good price, you can resell it for the higher price people are willing to pay.
Once you have done this for a while, you will continue to get better and make more and more gold. This is because you will already know what items sell for a high price and which ones you can find for cheaper. Take some time to master this art and you will profit greatly.

Article Source: http://www.flywowgold.com/


WoW Leveling Zones

What are Zones?

The simplest way to explain to you what a zone (synonym for: region or area) is, is to just say that it is a section of the map that has its own unique theme, type of enemy or mobs, and it's own scenery.
All of the different zones wow gold are surrounded by an invisible border, much like that of real world nations or countries, or states. Even though you can't actually see the boundaries, they are still there, and they mark off certain areas in the game. Usually, each different area has at least one of each of the following: sub zone, city, town, village, or instance.

For Example: the zone of Ghostlands has sub zone of Amani Pass, the city of Tranquillien, the town Hatchet Hills, the village Suncrown Village, and the instance Zul'Aman.
When it comes to WoW leveling zones, the "leveling" part just means that you would be referring to any zone or area that you are currently completing quests in. The zone you are currently questing in, is directly related to what level your character is at.

How to Use Zones Effectively

In order to get the most out of the specific zone you are in based on the level of your character, you need to do a little bit of research. Find out what the best quests to complete are based on experience vs. time taken to complete (take into consideration travel time as well).
There are several places in which you can find this information. One place I would definitely look is the different forums around the web having to do with WoW leveling zones. Forums are a great collection of knowledge, especially World of Warcraft forums! The players of this game are so passionate about it, and it really shows in the many popular forums - where you will see elite players helping newbies all the time.
If you want the easy way about maximizing your leveling zones and getting the most value vs. time on your questing ventures, then it might be time for you to look into using an in-game guide.

Why Use an "In-Game" Guide?

For just that reason, it's "in-game." A guide like this will cover all of the quickest leveling paths, for every level, including the 80-85 Cataclysm zones (also includes in-game talent build advisor). All happening without having to alt+tab to pull it up.

Article Source: http://lichkingzhaok.webs.com/apps/blog/show/7739214-wow-warlock-leveling-guide-the-fastest-ways-to-level-your-lock


World of Raid, Warcraft

One of the toughest things to do in World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Cataclysm, is completing heroic instances and raids. Well not so much heroics anymore, but it is still challenging. First becoming accessible after you reach item level 329, heroics allow you to gain better gear to be able to move on to the next level: Raids. Completion of raids requires you to have the appropriate gear, usually be equipped with rare or epic items, a team of competent players who know how to play their roles and classes, and a lot of time to practice each and every possible strategy. So with that in mind, what do you need to do before you go on a raid run?

The Right Stuff
First item up for bids is gear. In spite of what Blizzard has previously said, gear is a very significant portion of raiding and running instances. But the exact definition of what is essential has changed particularly with the latest Cataclysm patches. So as with the release of Cataclysm, a great deal of the new stats that had been added over the last 5 years were either removed or simplified. Armor penetration, spell power, and the overly complicated mana system were altered or deleted to make it easier for newcomers to get into the game without complications.
So for starters, what do you need to have before you can run a heroic instance? You should begin by having a full set of blue gear. Usually you will get this gear by questing level 80 to 85, as well as by doing cata dungeons on regular. On the other hand, if a piece of gear you need is not found, you can find and pay for them in the AH, or ask in trade, to see if people have something for you to buy them from. Nonetheless, just make sure you have appropriate gear before you attempt a heroic instance, otherwise you'll just make a group have to carry you and create bad reputation for yourself.

The Right Guild
The next step in preparing for raids in WoW is to find a guild in which to make friends with players who'll spend time, commitment, and preparation together before going into these instances. Advertise yourself in trade if you know you have the gear and the minimal knowledge of what raids have in store for you. You'll most likely not find a high level guild right away, but if you find a good guild, become active with them, and eventually you'll be running raids with them and get the hang of knowing the fights. Soon, you may even be able to find a better guild that will help you combat some of the hardest bosses and newest instances in the game as they are released.
Raids are one of the most fun aspects of WoW, but they are nowhere close easy. It takes time, preparation, and a good team/guild before you will be ready enough to take on high-level end bosses, even on the first try. So just start working towards bettering yourself now so eventually you can enjoy all the great achievements that World of Warcraft has to offer and show to everyone, just what kind of player you really are.

Article Source: http://scott110.unblog.fr/

WoW Macro - A Gold Making Macro In World of Warcraft?

You can use a WoW macro for just about anything. The most common use for macros in World of Warcraft is in PvP and PvE though. But the game isn't just about doing raids and fighting players in the various forms of PvP prezent. You also need to have a steady income of gold to make sure you will have everything you need. Now you wow gold(http://www.flywowgold.com/) can use a simple macro in WoW that will help you make that gold.
One of the most sure ways to make some cash in the game is with the professions. Each class can have up to two professions and several other tradeskills. As you might have noticed, there are always players in big cities who are either offering their skills to craft for other people, or are looking for some specific crafters.
If you have professions that you want to use to make gold, then I have a WoW macro for you that will help you do just that. Here it is:
/cast Inscription
/run SendChatMessage("Insert text here "..GetTradeSkillListLink(), "channel", nil, "2")
/cast Enchanting
/run SendChatMessage(GetTradeSkillListLink().." Insert text here", "channel", nil, "2") CloseTradeSkill()
Obviously, you can change the professions for the ones you have. After that you just need to link what you can do and replace "channel" with guild or raid to send your message to those particular channels. The number there represents the trade channel, if your trade channel isn't numbered 2, then just make the required modifications.
Using this simple macro for WoW, you can easily get people to order what they need from you. The beauty about this macro is that you can link two professions to different channels by just using one button.
This is a perfect example of how macros will help you get faster in World of Warcraft. You are able to use several abilities by just pressing one button. That is way better than having to reach for keys all over your keyboard.
When in battle with a player, you have to move constantly. If you have to keep at least two fingers on your directional keys, that gives you only 3 more to use abilities. By having your main spells in macros, you can access them using just one button which will be bound very close to your hand. Thus you become a lot more faster than by not using a World of Warcraft macro.
Use this WoW macro to start putting those professions to work for you. They are a very big investment, both time and gold wise, and now you need to profit from it. This amazing macro will help you do that fast and easy. This is just one example of how useful a World of Warcraft macro can be.
You know, you don't have to search for macros all over the Internet. There is a very good tool out there that gives you the same macros and keybindings that the elite use. You will have these as an addon in the game and you will be able to load them when ever you want. That way you will benefit from the best WoW Macro around.

Article Source: https://profiles.google.com/jakewensa112